CJMEA Region Band Audition Information
The CJMEA Region Band applications have been submitted and at this time.
Auditions take place on Saturday December 7th at Edison High School 50 Blvd. of the Eagles, Edison, NJ 08817 (NOT JP STEVENS HS), Auditions begin at 9:00am. Student audition times are now available - students may visit Mr. Mossa for the information. (Make up date is December 14).
Auditioning students must schedule a mock audition with either Dr. B or Mr. Mossa at least once before the audition itself and are encouraged to do so as soon as possible.
Jazz Band Audition Results
The BRHS Monday Jazz Band roster has been posted in the band room and on Google Classroom. Congratulations to all auditionees - students may visit the directors for a review of their audition results if they'd like.
Monday Band will meet on Wednesday 12/4 from 4 - 6pm in the band room.
BRHS Winter Guard
The Winter Guard will practice at BRHS (meet in the small gym) on Tuesday 12/3 and Hillside Intermediate School on Thursday 12/5 from 5:45 - 9:00. Saturday's practice is at Hillside from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Lunch is 12 - 12:45.
Information for the Double Good Popcorn fundraiser has been posted in the students' google classroom. The fundraiser runs from 12/3 at 9pm to 12/7 at 9pm.
All guard families should have received an email from the guard directors on Monday 12/2 summarizing the week's plans alongside some pertinent information. These emails will be sent weekly to keep everyone informed -- please keep an eye out for these emails at the start of each week! If you didn't get the email, please contact the guard directors at [email protected]
BRHS Indoor Percussion (BRIP)
BRHS Indoor Percussion has practice on Tuesday 12/3 and Thursday 12/5 from 6 - 9pm at BRHS. Saturday 12/7 practice is 10am - 5pm (all Saturday practices will be 10 - 5 unless otherwise posted).
Information for the Double Good Popcorn fundraiser has been posted in the students' google classroom. The fundraiser runs from 12/3 at 9pm to 12/7 at 9pm.
BPA Sign Ups & Fundraisers
Click here for our bitly link where you can find all of the BPA sign ups & fundraisers that support the band programs in one convenient place.
Spiritwear/Swag Shop Now Open!
The BRHS Band apparel (spiritwear/swag) shop will close on Sunday 12/8. Click here to shop!
December BPA Meeting 12/11
The December BPA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 12/11 at 7:30pm (room TBD).
Calendar of Events
The calendar below reflects the most up-to-date changes in rehearsals, performances, and meetings for all entities of the BRHS Band Program. Be sure to check it before you leave home!